Slashfilm: Legend of Tarzan Set Visit — A Passionate Attempt to Reboot an Iconic Character
[There are a flurry of set visit reports coming out today. More later.]
After four straight Harry Potter movies, you’d think David Yates would be done with sequels. With The Legend of Tarzan, he gets the best of both worlds. The latest film about everyone’s favorite vine-swinging, loincloth-wearing jungle man is being presented as the start of a new franchise. However, the story itself is also something of a sequel to nearly ever other Tarzan movie ever. Basically, it’s an homage to the character’s entire history without copying any one story in particular.
The film opens with Tarzan (played by True Blood’s Alexander Skarsgård) living in period London. He’s a lord with a huge house, married to his lovely jungle princess Jane (The Wolf of Wall Street’s Margot Robbie). And while things may seem good on the surface, both halves of the couple yearns to go back to their roots, where they met, in the jungles of the Congo. And they do. But when an evil tyrant named Captain Rom (Christoph Waltz) teams up with an evil tribe (led by Djimon Hounsou) to kidnap Jane in order to enact revenge on Tarzan, it begins a massive adventure on a summer blockbuster scale.
Here’s a breakdown of what was “learned” from the set visits.
Another onset visit.