Daily Mail: Legend of Tarzan “A Brilliant Adaptation” — “Bring on the Sequel”
Daily Mail | A musclebound king of the jungle, a feisty Jane, truly terrifying gorillas (parents be warned) and – yes – a splendid rendition of that war-cry. Bring on the sequel…
Nobody plays the menacing psychopath like Christoph Waltz. His performance as the terrifying yet impeccably mannered Nazi in Quentin Tarantino’s Inglourious B*****ds propelled him to international fame in 2009, he toyed amusingly with our expectations in Django Unchained, and if he ever so slightly disappointed as Blofeld in Spectre it was only, surely, because we were all hoping for so much.
Now, however, the Vienna-born actor is back, nastier, scarier and more cold-eyed than before. At times, his pivotal performance in The Legend Of Tarzan is so alarming that you wouldn’t be surprised to be told that Joseph Conrad’s Heart Of Darkness (a Vietnam-era reworking of which became Apocalypse Now, of course) had provided the inspiration rather than Edgar Rice Burroughs’ 1912 novel Tarzan Of The Apes.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/event/article-3681088/A-brilliant-adaptation-classic-Tarzan-story-really-swings-bring-sequel.html#ixzz4E6uTspHv
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Seems to have gone to number one in popularity on IMDb. Margot Robbie is also number 1, Alexander Skarsgård is now number 3. I suppose that is positive since it happened after the movie has been out for a while. At the very least people are curious about it.
Am I wrong or does it seem that the professional critics see this movie in somewhat better light, unlike during the first days after its release?
I find this review very interesting. It’s a positive review, but an author has some thought provoking points. I liked it (easily one of my favourite reviews, in addition to Emily NZ’s review).
There is no review quite like Emily’s review. A gal after my own heart. 😉
As for the critics? Bandwagon jumpers now that audiences appear to have decided that the opinions of pretentious know-it-alls are not worth much after all.
My friends and I have enjoyed the film immensely and continue to spread the good word of mouth.
Yes, it seems to be the trend. A couple of days ago the RT Critics Score stood at 34, and throughout several days it improved to 37% (today). The critics obviously took the note from an audience:)
Emily’s review is unique, in the class of its own and speaks for all the ladies who watched Tarzan:). It reminded me of the reviews at io9 which were authored by Meredith Woerner. She was hilarious – her reviews were often more fun and better entertainment then the episode of the show she reviewed.