ERB Inc. — Day 2 at San Diego Comic-Con — Cathy Wilbanks Video and Photo Report
I’m trying a video update . . . . why not? Excited about today. Here we go!
Tracy looking soooooo serious!
Jim Sullos giving me “the look.”
We stumbled upon Wonder Woman and Spider Man!
Hanging out with Bill Stout . . .
Tracy, Jim, Producer-Writer Harry Kloor, Yours truly, writer Alexander Simmons, and artist Tom Gianni.
Goodbye San Diego!
True Confession:
I ran out of storage space so we are gathering some pix and videos from some friends and will add them here “for the record” . . .
And also “for the record” — it was a wonderful two days. We saw a lot of old friends and made some new ones, and made sure everybody knows we have a lot of magic in the pipeline at ERB Inc. Thanks to everyone for making it such a great Con!