When the Director Doesn’t Really Like the Hero . . . . What Batman v Superman, John Carter, and Legend of Tarzan Do and Don’t Have in Common
From the John Carter Files: As Hollywood rolls through the process of making and remaking classic stories — producers and directors are constantly faced with the challenge of how to ‘refresh’ a classic franchise without losing its essence. The latest entrant in this category is Zack Snyder’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, which has pulled in box office numbers that would be considered excellent for most films — but given the high octane franchises involved, and the massive second weekend dropoff, it’s considered a disappointment at the box office and with critics and fans.
Much has been written about what went wrong with BvS — and one article in particular — a “Dear Zack Snyder” letter by Mario Francisco-Robles at Latino Review, has articulated an essential pitfall that WB has stumbled into:
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