NY Times Profiles Margot Robbie, Talks Tarzan and More
The New York Times has a lengthy profile piece on Margot Robbie that includes plenty of colorful background on Legend of Tarzan’s Jane — how she first came to America; how she dreams of being stuntwoman in another life; and much more about her perpetual motion life.
After three years of relentless film work, she is poised for two of her most prominent roles this summer, in franchise movies whose success could transform her from a wannabe to a deserves-to-be star.
First, she’ll be seen as a self-reliant and decidedly un-dainty Jane in“The Legend of Tarzan,” a new adventure of that jungle hero opening July 1. Then, on Aug. 5, she stars in “Suicide Squad,” based on the DC Comics series, as Harley Quinn, a cracked-up criminal psychologist who wields a baseball bat and a Brooklyn accent with equal ferocity.
The article also includes some quotes from David Yates:
But it is “The Wolf of Wall Street” that filmmakers keep coming back to and casting her from.
David Yates, the director of “The Legend of Tarzan,” said that seeing Ms. Robbie in that film made her look “glamorous and exciting” but also caused him to wonder, is she “going to be a flavor-of-the-month thing”?
The director (whose credits include four “Harry Potter” films as well as the coming “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them”), said that for his “Tarzan,” he consciously avoided creating a Jane “that felt too vulnerable, that needed rescuing.”
Meeting Ms. Robbie, Mr. Yates said, revealed a woman who was right for the part but different from what he expected.
“She’s very pragmatic,” he said. “She’s quite insightful. Despite the fact that she looks wonderful and she’s quite ambitious in a good way, she has her feet on the ground.”
For Ms. Robbie, “Tarzan” called for a lot of time in front of green screens in London, pretending to run from animal stampedes or endure a monsoon.
(In the midst of filming, she celebrated her 24th birthday with a 24-hour-long party. “So many people were like, ‘Margot, I’m tired,’” she said. “I’m like, ‘We’re not done yet!’”)
Read the full article at the New York Times.