Legend of Tarzan: Check out this Excellent Margot Robbie Profile in Vogue
With two major blockbusters on the horizon, her own production company, and a take-no-prisoners approach to the world at large, Margot Robbie is summer’s brightest-burning Hollywood star.
When Margot Robbie popped up in The Big Short last year for a 60-second cameo—by definition, playing herself—to explain what “shorting” a bond means while drinking Dom Pérignon in the bathtub of a billionaire’s Malibu condo, I subconsciously shorted her. Here, it seemed, was that girl who invites you to stare and then tells you to fuck off if you stare for too long. The fact that just two years prior she so ferociously inhabited the role of the hottest gold digger in the history of cinema in Martin Scorsese’s The Wolf of Wall Street, permanently lodging herself in the collective male libido, served only to reinforce my concern that she might be some new breed of high-maintenance superpredator. Thankfully, the cameo turned out to be a clever little lie in a movie all about big fat ones. This was Margot Robbie playing her caricature—the retrograde Playboy fantasy in permanent soft-focus.
Read the rest and view the Photo Gallery at Vogue
Well, here’s a little more LoT marketing…there are several pics of both Margot and Alex together in the photo slide show for this article, with cute kittens and animal print. They look good together.
This is a very nice promotion of Tarzan. I really like how she’s Tarzan’s Margot Robbie and not Harlequin or the Suicide Squad’s. They talked a lot about Tarzan. She seems both grounded and focused on what she wants out of life.
Yes,I think we can view this Vogue spread as the the beginning of the LOT promotional campaign ,although some might argue that their appearance at the Met Gala was the opening salvo of that campaign. Whichever, is fine with me,I am delighted to finally get something more than trailers,stills and posters. They look great together and it’s a smart move to feature her on the cover since she’s more well known at this point than Skarsgard and to show them together inside bespeaking the Tarzan and Jane romantic aspect of the film. Of all the summer tentpole movies ,only LOT has a super hot romantic couple at the Heart of their film. It’s a good strategy to feature them togetherfrom the beginning.