Screen Shot 2016-06-04 at 4.24.34 PM Review of Legend of Tarzan

ERBDOM, Legend of Tarzan (Movie)

A generally favorable review just appeared — a few hours ahead of the official end of the embargo on reviews.  It might get taken down but I doubt it.  After all it’s from Singapore and it’s June 29 in Singapore already . . . . so might as well leave it alone, Embargo Police!  Read the review at

One thought on “ Review of Legend of Tarzan

  • This is a good review. Glad to see it.

    A review at (authored by Rex Reed) may seem to be mixed, but generally probably more on the positive side (it received 3 out of 4 stars). Due to embargo I will refrain from posting a link here.

    Another positive review is by Lawrence Toppman (Charlotte Observer).

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