George Washington Williams

MoviePilot: Getting to know George Washington Williams, Samuel Jack’s Real-life Character

Legend of Tarzan (Movie), Tarzan

MoviePilot | From the get-go, we deduced that The Legend of Tarzan will be unlike its predecessors; nor will it simply be just an update to the classics. It’s nearly the same premise, the same main characters, but did you know that it will also feature a hefty historical backdrop? Samuel L. Jackson has stated that the new Tarzan will give us a new glimpse into the history behind the story. The movie will be loosely based around the history of the Congo, including its decimation by Belgian colonial forces:

It actually gives some heft to the story,” Jackson says. “It will encourage people to take a harder look at what happened historically in that particular country and why it is the place it is now and the price of decimation of not just the tribes but the animal population.”

Read the full article at Movie Pilot.


One thought on “MoviePilot: Getting to know George Washington Williams, Samuel Jack’s Real-life Character

  • All the actors were great except Jackson! He over acted and was not relevant. He made it political. Ruined it!

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