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Re: “Your Husband’s Wildness Disturbs Me” — Turns out, Rom Kissed an Unconscious Tarzan in a Deleted Scene

ERBDOM, Legend of Tarzan (Movie)

In Legend of Tarzan, David Yates shot a scene which eventually got cut in which Christoph Waltz kissed an unconscious Tarzan.  The scene was cut when test screening audiences were “perplexed.”

We pared it back because it was almost too much,” he told The Times. “It was this really odd, odd moment when Christoph kisses him. We loved it at the time, but early test audiences were perplexed by it and in the end it just felt too clever and overworked.”

It’s a good example of how a deleted scene doesn’t just affect that scene.  “Your husband’s wildness disturbs me” would play a lot differently if this came before it …. also, Jane’s “You and your priest were very close” would have paid off.

On balance, probably better on the cutting room floor.

Read more.



One thought on “Re: “Your Husband’s Wildness Disturbs Me” — Turns out, Rom Kissed an Unconscious Tarzan in a Deleted Scene

  • Let ot not be said that Yates didn’t know what puts butts in seats at the multiplexes. Sex sells …any kind of sex ,even the kind that’s not in the movie but was filmed. The trade journals are all abuzz with this Rom kisses Tarzan scene that was cut from LOT. That plus the Tarzan Jane wild rough sex scene that he first teased months before the release date,that had to be cut ,no doubt, to get a PG rating. Of course he had to know that neither scene wold make it into the final cuts since from the beginning a PG rating was the goal. Why film them anyhow then ?They are good talking points about for the PR campaign and my guess is ,there will be a director’s cut in the DVD release and the inclusion of those two scenes alone should drive up prices. All thanks to Yates who knows what the public has on its mind.

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