From Cathy Wilbanks — Wishing Happy Birthday to ERB! (plus an Update From ERB Inc.)
by Cathy Wilbanks, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc
Happy Birthday ERB!
Of all the days, today is a good day to stop and take a look at our progress in spreading the ERB passion. I always say I have the best job in the world with an incredible potential and amazing fans. I have worked here for over 30 years, started in 1984 while still in high school. Over the years, I have watched literally hundreds if not thousands of amazing treasures come into the office from all over the world. It has been a great experience and a labor of love. I am truly honored to be able to do this work — and I know I share that feeling with Jim Sullos our President, and the rest of the gang here at ERB Inc.
Spreading the passion has not been difficult…. ERB was a great writer and every story has something in it for everyone. In an effort to spread the passion in today’s world, ERB Inc has focused on expanding all of the incredible worlds that ERB created over 100 years ago. The corporation has developed an amazing website that has lots of information on the various worlds as well as a store for easy access to unique treasures, including TARZAN as well as other properties. If you haven’t been there lately, please check it out — www.EdgarRiceBurroughs.com — there is so much there to see — and buy! 😉 (hint!)
We have a cutting edge online comic program where many of his storylines are being visualized in new ways but still being faithful to the original book. Writers include Roy Thomas, Martin Powell, Ron Marz and great artists including Tom Grindberg, Pablo Marco, Nik Poliwko, Oscar Gonzalez, and many, many more — all of whom are LOVED and APPRECIATED by ERB Inc. and the fans.
We have signed a contract for a live action Venus movie with Bold. Scott Tracy Griffin, Cathy Wilbanks, Thomas Yeates, Jim Sullos, Dr. Harry Kloor, and Matthew Rhodes, producer.
We have developed a publishing program and for the first time in our history, and have published new TARZAN stories written by ERB enthusiasts, including Martin Legion, Buddy Sanders, Jane, Robin Maxwell, Tarzan The Savage Lands, Andy Briggs, Tarzan the Greystoke Legacy, by Andy Briggs, and Tarzan the Jungle Warrior by Andy Briggs.
Also — there’s more — these books have been published by ERB Inc.
And of course, most recently, the exceptionl Edgar Rice Burroughs, the Bibliography, by Dr. Robert Zeuschner, book design by Jim Gerlach.
ERB Inc is a great supporters of the DUM DUM and ECOF gatherings in order to help increase the membership in these fan groups — and just because we love to go and be part of the gatherings!
And of course,the big one, I can’t forget the WB Legend of Tarzan movie that has revived interest on many levels. It is almost at 2x the budget and we are all hoping for a sequel.
And I can’t mention that one without also reminding us of John Carter, which continues to find new fans every time it plays, bringing Barsoom to life on the screen.
One hundred and forty-one years after his birth in 1875, I think ERB would be proud of our progress!
And speaking of John Carter, a special shout-out to Michael Sellers for John Carter and the Gods of Hollywood, which made it to #1 twice on Amazon, in two different categories (Movies/History and Criticism, and Entertainment Business):
Thank you to each of you for helping keep the legacy of Edgar Rice Burroughs not only alive — but burning brightly into a second century.
(thanks to Jason Hardy for the portrait!)
Thanks, Cathy, for the Birthday reminder and the update. A life-long ERB fan, this summer lifted me to new and revitalized interest and affection. I was happy to discover ERBzine is alive and well. Absolutely loved Legend of Tarzan. Am currently re-reading for the umpteenth time the entire Tarzan canon.
You are a fun and lovely lady. thanks for the update. (even if you yield a mean knife)
I’ve been a fan of ERB for many years so its easy to appreciate the hard work ERB Inc. does to keep the fanbase informed and growing. Its great to be able to go to the website and still discover new things. I’ll always be old school and like a fanzine or book in my hands, but the website is still a treat. Thanks for keeping ERB alive in our electronic world of adventure!