The Legend of Tarzan: Analysis by Demos Sachlas In the original novels by Edgar Rice Burroughs, it was Tarzan’s father who was commissioned by the British Colonial Office to travel […]
Opening day isn’t quite over yet, but it’s already abundantly clear that while for most films there is a strong correlation between critics response and audience response — not so […]
MY review of Legend of Tarzan: I saw this movie last night by myself, and will be going again tonight. Tonight, I am taking family members with me, so they […]
THE LEGEND OF TARZAN A Review By Martin Powell I don’t remember ever being introduced to Tarzan of the Apes. Seems that I’ve known him all my life, probably from […]
UPDATE 2:30 PM FRIDAY. This from Deadline Hollywood — first projections based on matinees back east. Think of this as exit poll numbers. Disney/Pixar’s Finding Dory is ruling No. 1 with an […]
Review by Leia Barret Durham Powell Last night, my husband Martin and I boarded a bus-full of die-hard Edgar Rice Burroughs fans (ECOF 2016) to attend an advanced screening of […]
A romantic, exotic, dramatic, bold and exciting revitalization of the Tarzan story, steeped heavily in the lore created by novelist Edgar Rice Burroughs….it’s the movie’s inherent, authentic Old Hollywood feel […]
Sections of this film are so imaginative, and so lovely, that they deserve our open-heartedness, not our scorn. Excerpt So what are we supposed to do with Tarzan, now that […]
Director David Yates, who made his bones with all four movies of the Harry Potter franchise, works with all the tools in his impressive kit—and what must have been every […]
by Chuck Koplinski Legendary film producer Darryl Zanuck once said, “The secret to success in Hollywood is giving the public what it wants before it knows it wants it.” In […]
The tale of the man raised by apes has been told ad nauseam, yet David Yates, who directed the last four Harry Potter movies, makes a strong case, visually and […]
It’s a romance, a bromance, a show-mance and a go-go-go-mance. Just when you thought we didn’t need another adventure based on Edgar Rice Burroughs’ king of the jungle, David Yates’ […]
At last, a Hollywood reimagining with a point. David Yates’ two-fisted pulp-studies spree The Legend of Tarzan doesn’t just update Edgar Rice Burroughs’ white-boy jungle-bro for our age of heightened […]
*(The review is mixed but is rated “fresh” on Rotten Tomatoes”) …. In some respects “Legend of Tarzan” is a step up from previous adaptations. It’s more fun than “Greystoke: […]
“The Legend of Tarzan” has a whole lot of fun, big-screen things going for it — adventure, romance, natural landscapes, digital animals and oceans of rippling handsome man-muscle. Its sweep […]
Fans of Edgar Rice Burroughs had a grand moment Tuesday night when they screened David Yates’ Legend of Tarzan at Warner Bros. Studios and discovered that after the longest of waits, […]
Here’s a bit of good news that got buried in the Rotten Tomatoes quickstep today. A month ago the over/under index for Legend of Tarzan’s opening weekend box office was somewhere in […]
There hasn’t been a live-action Tarzan film in almost two-decades, quite a drought for a franchise that has produced over fifty films in the past century. But regardless of the […]
‘The Legend of Tarzan‘ strangely feels like a comic book movie. As something that really wants to take itself seriously in all its gloominess, it mostly works when it wants […]
Deadline Hollywood, often a pretty hostile place, has reviewed Legend of Tarzan favorably and seems to get what David Yates was going for. Here are some highlights and a link. […]