ECOF 2016 Will Feature Advance Screening of Legend of Tarzan on 28 June

If you are an ERB friend or fan, please give some thought to joining us for the annual Edgar Rice Burroughs Chain of Friendship  (aka ECOF) event 26-28 June at the Warner Center Marriot Hotel.  This year’s gathering is a special one that comes the week of the opening of Warner Brothers Legend of Tarzan — and the climax of ECOF will be an advance screening of Legend of Tarzan on the lot at Warner Brothers Studios on Tuesday, 28 June.

But as cool as that is — this is also a great chance to get to do a lot of other things like visit the Burroughs home and meet the Burroughs family, meet and mingle with fellow ERBophiles, attend interesting panels, browse memorabilia, and generally hang out and have a wonderful time with some of the nicest people on Jasoom, Barsoom, Amtor, Pellucidar, or anywhere else.

The way it works is this — first of all, everything is free and open to the public except for the screening which you MUST sign up for in advance and, if that’s the only thing you’re doing, costs $20.  If you register for the ECOF as a participant, you can pay $40 which means that in addition to the movie, you  are officially registered, you get a badge and bag of swag; and if you pay $85, in addition to all that, you also get to to on the Warner Brothers Studio tour on Tuesday if that is something you’d like to do.

Here is the official announcement.  For online registration go here.  And if you have any questions, email or you can email me at

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The Los Angeles SubERBs and Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. 
take pleasure in announcing the 
2016 ECOF to be held at the Warner Center Marriott hotel 
beginning Sunday, June 26, and ending late Tuesday evening, June 28, 2016.
Warner Center Marriott in Woodland Hills 
21850 Oxnard St.
Woodland Hills, CA 91367 

The best available negotiated rates at the Marriott are $177 per day, plus taxes. Twenty-five rooms have been set aside for our organization. Reservations can be made at  818-887-4800  and tell the Marriott operator that you want the Tarzan —Edgar Rice Burroughs– Tarzan group rate. NOTE: June 7 is the last date to register and receive the special reduced rate.

If you want to download the registration form, print it out, and mail it to ERB, Inc., you can use this link at
If you want to register online, go straight to the ERB, Inc. website:
Please register early if you intend to attend the ECOF, even if you do not plan to stay at the Marriott.

This event is in conjunction with the release of the Warner Bros. Legend of Tarzan and we will receive a June 28 pre-release showing of the highly anticipated film on the Warner Bros. movie lot. The WB theater can accommodate only 200 guests. The film is rated PG-13. Children under 10 will not be admitted. Movie lot security requires everyone in attendance to have pre-registered and present an ID upon exiting the bus. 

Warner Bros. will open their WB lot and museum for a three-hour tour, but we are limited to just 60 people. If you want to go on the tour, be sure to get your registration form in soon! Children must be over age 8 to be admitted. Legal ID is required for everyone 18 and older. Bus transportation will be provided to carry guests from the Marriott hotel to and from the Warner Bros. movie lot in Burbank. 
NOTE: there is an extra charge to go on the tour (see “OPTION A” below). Please let us know if you will need any kind of assistance on the tour (cane, wheel-chair, etc.). 
NOTE: You will NOT be able to register for the WB tour on the first day of the ECOF. WB requires us to turn in the final list of names a week before the tour!
Saturday June 18 will be the last day to register for the WB tour.


OPTION A: $85: Includes ECOF admission, bus transport, movie, goodie bag, WB studio tour.
OPTION B: $40: Same as option A but without the WB studio tour.
OPTION C: $20: Just the “Legend of Tarzan” movie and bus transportation.

Esteemed guests who have said they will attend include: 

  • John Burroughs, ERB’s grandson
  • Linda Burroughs, Llana Jane Burroughs, and Dejah Burroughs James Sullos, President of ERB, Inc.
  • Nancy Miller (Mrs. Denny Miller)
  • Casper Van Dien (“Tarzan and the Lost City”)
  • Buddy Saunders, author of “The Martian Legion”
  • Martin Powell and Leia Barrett Durham (Powell)
  • Thomas Yeates     William Stout     Dan Parsons
  • Scott Tracy Griffin (with his new book “Tarzan on Film”)
  • Michael Hatt (author of “Tarzan Slept Here”)
  • Michael A. Sanford (author of “Tarzan on the Precipice”)
  • Michael Sellers (author of “John Carter and the Gods of Hollywood”)
  • Jim Gerlach (creator of “Back to the Stone Age” and other ERB-related books) 
  • Bob Zeuschner (author of a huge new ERB bibliography
  • Other guests to be announced.

Pre-registration form and huckster table reservation forms are available for download on 
Bill Hillman’s site:
and one can register directly at the 
ERB, Inc. website:

Tentative Schedule:

  • Saturday afternoon early arrivals. SubERB volunteers will hand out registration packs 
  • Saturday evening 6 pm: snacks at the home of a local SubERB 
  •      (transportation will be provided by local members of the Los Angeles SubERBs)
  • Sunday – hand out registration packets; huckster room opens at 9 am Sunday Panels (45 minutes):
  • Sunday 9 am – huckster room opens.
  • Sunday 10:30 am – Jim Sullos welcomes guests and talks about ERB, Inc. activities. 
  • Sunday 11:00 am (or 11:30 am) – Tracy Griffin on “Tarzan on Film.”
  • Sunday 1:30 pm (or first afternoon presentation) 
  •      – Michael Sellers talks about “The Legend of Tarzan” which will be his new book.
  • Sunday 2:30 pm – Bob Zeuschner talks about his new ERB bibliography.
  • Sunday 3:30 pm – Stan Galloway on the young Tarzan.
  • Sunday 5:30 pm on – a no-host mixer in the Marriott patio.
  • Monday 9 am – huckster room opens (four or five panels, each 45 minutes or less in length) 
  • Monday 10:00 am – Buddy Saunders on his various ERB projects.
  • Monday 11:00 am – Martin Powell and Leia Powell
  • Monday 1:30 pm – Author’s panel: Michael Hatt 
  •      — (“Tarzan Slept Here”) and Michael A. Sanford (“Tarzan on the Precipice”). 
  • Monday 2:30 pm –
  • Monday 3:30 pm – Monday 4:30-5:00 – 
  • Monday evening 7 pm – gala auction
  •      Nancy Miller will offer a painting of Denny Miller as Tarzan to be auctioned.
  •      Leia Barrett Durham has several stained glass window artworks for the auction.
  • Tuesday morning: 9:30 am tours of the WB museum limited to 60 people (extra charge). 
  •      Those on the tour will be returned by bus to the Marriott around 2:30 pm.
  • Tuesday evening: 5:30 buses take us to Warner Bros. and return to the Marriott after the movie.
  • The 7 pm Tarzan movie is the highlight of the ECOF.