Want to Help Boost Legend of Tarzan? Here are 10 Things You Can Do

Legend of Tarzan Box Office, Legend of Tarzan Fans, Most Read

Edgar Rice Burroughs was never the darling of the critics — and Legend of Tarzan is following in that “grand” tradition. And like ERB’s original works (it took him two years to get a book publisher for Tarzan AFTER it was a pulp magazine sensation) — it’s up to the fans to make things happen. Already one key aspect of the narrative is clear — and that is this: There is a disconnect between the critical acceptance, and fan acceptance.  LOT has been stuck on 34% at Rotten Tomatoes — but the fan rating at Rotten Tomatoes was at 69% most of the day, and now, as I write this, it’s at 72%.  That big of a disconnect between critics and fans is not unprecedented — but it’s unusual.  And now we know — Cinemascore of A- for all demos, and A+ for under twenties.

Plus, we now know that after the matinees LOT looked like it would do $8.5m on Friday — but it did $14M. Reason?  Obviously, fans are talking.

If fans use their voices and are heard, it can make a difference.

Here is a list of things you can do that, collectively, can make a difference. All of these things are ways of amplifying fan Word of Mouth.  I’ve tried to list them from the most basic and then on up through some other things that maybe not everyone can do.  But the point is — you don’t have to feel helpless.  You can really help out, and it’s good therapy!

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  1. Rate it at IMDB.com. Link
  2. Review it at IMDB.com. Link
  3. Rate it at Rotten Tomatoes. Link
  4. Review it at Rotten Tomatoes. Link
  5. Tweet about it. Twitter Signup Link
  6. Post about it on Facebook.
  7. Repost other people’s posts about it on Facebook.
  8. Post about it on Reddit. Here’s how.
  9. Go to reviews and leave comments.  Comments matter!
  10. ????? (this one is a secret still, will be unveiled in a bit.)

Do you have suggestions? Leave them as comment.  Keep in mind that when you make the suggestion, it helps to leave a link or otherwise make it easy for people to do it.

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