Nepali Times: Legend of Tarzan “a visually gorgeous creation” — “Must See”
Nepali Times by Sophia Pande: Having grown up enthralled by Rudyard Kipling’s The Jungle Book, I’ve always had more of an affection for Mowgli over the other feral child who grows up to beat his chest, emit his famous yowl (is there really another word for Tarzan’s famous cry?), and is purportedly the lord of the jungle.
Over the years, due to several terrible film interpretations of Tarzan, the character has gained a reputation for being embarrassingly camp: a half-naked wild man who speaks broken English, communes with wild beasts, and drags women around by their hair.
Fortunately, the new screen adaptation pays attention to the original source material from Edgar Rice Burroughs’s Tarzan of the Apes novels, allowing Tarzan (played by the very handsome Alexander Skarsgård) to be the noble, reserved, charismatic and highly intelligent character that Burroughs wrote him to be, wielding enormous physical power matched by a quick brain that allows him the gifts of a polyglot. This romantic figure is buttressed by his aristocratic heritage: Tarzan is by birth John Clayton III, Viscount Greystoke, an English lord with immense wealth at his fingertips.
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