Legend of Tarzan July 6 Box Office Update
Legend of Tarzan completed day 6, July 6, with domestic total of $56,887.531 on the strength of a 4.3M Wednesday. That’s down 28% from Tuesday, which is a bit more than the overall Tues/Wed decline of all titles which was 23% — not an ominous sign, but cause for WB to possibly throttle the TV ads back up a bit to build some momentum going into the second weekend, which is crucial. Tue/Wed drop is normal. We should see Thursday be much closer to Wednesday, and it will be important to see how LOT does against the averages.
Hmmm…I really don’t know what to make of this….Tarzan gay kiss?
So it looks like, as you had hoped, Thurs looks fairly close to Wed, with just a 9.1% drop = $3.9M drop from Wed.
I don’t know much about box office trends, but, a first blush, this seems like a relatively good thing — no big plunges = a fairly steady flow in viewership.
Are these okay numbers?