Tarzan 111

With a $2.5M Monday, Legend of Tarzan Reaches $84.3M, should cross $100M on 3rd Weekend

ERBDOM, Legend of Tarzan Box Office

Legend of Tarzan logged $2.6M on Monday, keeping pace with the overall box office  Sunday/Monday trend and lining up to reach the $100M level this weekend.

Just for fun — here is the daily box office to date, and my prediction for the rest of the week.  We’ll check back in along the way and see how it holds up

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  • Good on for Legend of Tarzan. It keeps chugging away and doing better than all of the predictions. Fingers crossed it continues the trend, here and overseas. 🙂

  • Great news about the latest update on Tarzan box office! Seems that it performed even better on Tuesday.

    I hope Tarzan will do well overseas too.

  • Now, if it can only keep up this kind of momentum here and overseas as people ignore the critics and follow their own gut feelings or listen to family and friends who have seen and enjoyed it. I saw it for the 3rd time yesterday with my husband and he thought it was the most fun and enjoyable heroic adventure film (including comic book super heroes) that he’s seen in years.

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