Bleeding Cool News: Mike Richardson on the Origins of Legend of Tarzan in 1999
Dan Wickline at Bleeding Cool News has published excerpts of an interview with Dark Horse Comics’ founder Mike Richardson in which Richardson, who is an executive producer (and maybe should be a producer) on Legend of Tarzan gives a bit on the origins of the Legend of Tarzan project. I will be digging a lot deeper into this for Tarzan v. the Gods of Hollywood (oh yeah, that’s coming, better believe it) but for now this is a great, tasty morsel for all ERB fans who are interested in tracing Legend of Tarzan back to the beginning.
Read the rest at Bleeding Cool News
Tarzan v. the Gods of Hollywood ?
That;s great news! I loved the John Carter book.
BTW – How about a Superman v. God of Hollywood?
Yes, I’ve thought of that one too. Maybe I can have a mini-Gods of Hollywood franchise! 😉