Legend of Tarzan’s Box Office Result is Upgraded Yet Again to $38.5M thru Sun and $45.5M thru Monday
Deadline is now reporting as of 8:13AM PDT Monday that Tarzan’s Friday-Sunday Box Office Gross reached $38.47M and the Friday-Monday is now projected to reach “$45.5M to $48M”. This is the third upgrade and there is room for one more after the actuals are in on Monday. Meanwhile, the projection for Finding Dory for the 4day weekend is $49.7M. Is it possible that Legend of Tarzan will actually overtake Finding Dory and “win the weekend” by the time the actuals are in for all four days? Keep in mind that coming into the weekend, Legend of Tarzan was projected in mid-twenties to $30M, and Dory was projected around $50M. So that would be a huge upset. Even coming close, though, LOT has far exceeded expectations.
Box Office Mojo has Legend of Tarzan at $38.505M for Fri-Sun and is projecting $45.565M for the 4 day run.
UPDATE: There’s an international update as well. WB has it’s actuals for international, and they have upgraded from yesterday’s estimate of $18.8M to an actual of $19.3 — to the “upgrade” trend continues, both domestically and internationally.
Here’s a current article re: box office. Looks like LoT hit 45.6M. Of course, like every other article, they mention the $180M budget. I guess it remains to be seen if LoT continues to do well through the next couple of weeks. Hopefully, good WOM will continue to draw in the audience.
Woo Hoo! Looks like LoT brought in 1M more than expected. Box Office Mojo has the 4-day totals: LoT $46,582,405.