Makeup Artist Magazine — Behind the Scenes with Fae Hammond, Legend of Tarzan Hair and Makeup Designer
Fascinating look into the thinking of Fae Hammond in designng the hair and makeup for Tarzan, Jane, the various tribes, and the rest of the cast of Legend of Tarzan. Some key takeaways:
- There was a conscious effort to keep away from spray tan with Skarsgard for a reason that sounds pretty funny when Fae says it: “In this film, we kept the tan off. I think when you put a tan anywhere near Alexander Skarsgård, he looks like a gay icon. He really needs the paleness and British-ness of him to look better, so that was interesting. This Tarzan isn’t a great hunk of a man; he’s much more pale and quiet, and Alexander actually plays the character as someone more troubled and reserved.”
- “We had lots of tribal make-ups, including a great deal of scarification and some wonderful skin tones for the different tribes,” she says. “The film opens on a tribe that’s covered in a chalky white base that knits into the scenery they’re living in, so it’s like a chameleon effect, where they change with the color of the rock, so that was fun to do.
- Re Jane: “We also had the lovely Margot Robbie as Jane, who’s quite beautiful, but David Yates … wanted everything to look quite real, so Margot was constantly covered in scratches, and even though she’s a beautiful woman throughout the film, she gets dragged through a hedge backwards at one point, and we certainly don’t hesitate in showing that.”
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