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Legend of Tarzan: Best. Review. Ever. The Final Word.

ERBDOM, Legend of Tarzan Reviews

Emily of Emily Writes NZ has posted the DEFINITIVE Legend of Tarzan review.  Well, maybe not defnitive, but let’s call it, at a minimum, the most ENTERTAINING Legend of Tarzan Review ever.  I like to talk about how Edgar Rice Burroughs told stories that were sort of hardwired into our psyche,  well, Emily has the same skill as a writer — she gives us a terrific deluge of unself-conscious wine truth.  I want to be clear I love this, I”m not mocking it.  I’m an instant fan of Emily.

And if you don’t know what “The V” is . . . . well…Skarsgard fans all know what it is. Try googling it if you’re in the dark. But read the review first.

I saw Tarzan and this is my review after some wines

So I had wine and I am very tired and so I am a bit tipsy but I saw the Tarzan movie so I thought I’d give my honest review.
Excuse typos because you know, wines.
Ok so I don’t know what the plot is or who is in it other than Alexander Skarsgard and Alexander Skarsgard’s magnificent holy abs. I don’t know what the dialogue or acting is like or whatever.

But like 1/3 of the way in Alexander Skarsgard is going to fight a gorilla for some reason and he takes off his shirt and OMG LIKE I ACTUALLY GROANED LOUDLY.

He does not put his shirt back on for the whole movie.

And like The V. sweet mother Mary the V I am telling you. The v is worth $15. The V is worth so much

I wanted to see the movie again straight afterward.

Did I say that he doesn’t put his shirt back on?

This is why I can’t tell you what the movie is about. Samuel l Jackson at one point is talking about something really important and it’s just white noise because Alexander Skarsgard has the best body that ever existed.

I am basically exhausted from being in a constant state of arousal for the rest of the 2/3 of the film.

Read the rest, it’s worth it.



  • Wthanks for thisvMichsel. It up is certainly is the most entertaining review ever,. I smiled and laughed all the way through

    • I posted Emily’s wacky review on my wall and some of my friends picked up on it — turns out her review may do more to get some people into the theater than any others. Check out how they reacted (this thread is Filipino, so lot’s of fun “Taglish” in there too) ……

      Nash Tysmans OMG! Yes! My feelings the whole time sans teenage son bit but yes, yes! I was so confused the entire time and mom and I exchanged glances when the shirt came off! Hahaha! Ay sus!
      Like · Reply · 2 · 9 hrs
      Susan S Lara
      Susan S Lara Grabe. I should watch!
      Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs
      Alma Anonas-Carpio
      Alma Anonas-Carpio You should! Tarzan is delicious. Na-wipe sa memory banks ko yung mga nobela ni Edgar Whathisface Burroughs. Damned if I know whether the movie was faithful to the books or not.
      Like · Reply · 1 · 3 hrs · Edited
      Michael Sellers

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      Mae Young
      Mae Young Mom Susan S Lara, this review cracked me up! Can we please watch together? Hahahahaha hahahahaha! I have a strong feeling that I would merely echo what Emily (feeling Ko close na kami after reading her review) said! Daniel Hao Chua Olivan? Halina!
      Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs
      Susan S Lara
      Susan S Lara There’s still heaps of stuff on my plate, but I think I should, Mae. 🙂
      Like · Reply · 2 hrs
      Mae Young
      Mae Young Mom Susan S Lara, when your sked clears, let’s!
      Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs
      Susan S Lara
      Susan S Lara Will check sked, Mae 🙂
      Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs
      Mae Young
      Mae Young Thanks, Mom Susan S Lara . I will check the skeds of Tarzan… and Daniel Hao Chua Olivan!
      Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs
      Michael Sellers

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      Vida Cruz
      Vida Cruz Oh my god. This cheered me up so much. =)) the review actually convinced me to see the movie!

      “Some stuff happens I don’t know. But the important thing to know is that he doesn’t put his shirt back on and he’s really wearing those pants.”
      Like · Reply · 1 · 28 mins
      Susan S Lara
      Susan S Lara It’s a scream.
      Like · Reply · 22 mins
      Michael Sellers

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      Kimberly Rocha
      Kimberly Rocha Hahaha absolutely loved it.
      Like · Reply · 14 mins

  • Yes, agree with Maggie….this was a very entertaining review and, might I say, even representative of many of us! We Skarsgård fans do indeed know all about the “V”. Despite what he may have told Stephen Colbert, I’m sure it’s still there. It was there before Tarzan and I’m sure after, and it really is a beautiful thing! 🙂

  • LOL, LOL, what a funny and refreshing review, definitely representative of many of us. It reminded me of the reviews penned by Meredith Woerner at io9.

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