At last, it has finally happened — someone who saw a test screening of David Yates’ TARZAN has leaked some fascinating and detailed observations. There is of course no way to 100 […]
This is pretty thin soup, but given the recent run of bad news for WB’s Tarzan, I figured this is worth sharing. On the Internet Movie Data Base message board […]
Pan opened with a disastrous $15.5M in Domestic U.S. Box Office. How bad is that? Well, Pan cost $150M to make and did $15.5M; John Carter cost $267M to make […]
Here comes that sinking feeling again. In a flash, it suddenly looks like Warner Brothers’ efforts to have calm and positive rollout of Tarzan have just taken a significant hit with the […]
Warner Brothers and Tarzan have just taken a significant hit in the first battle to establish a favorable narrative for Tarzan 2016. Establishing a favorable narrative is hugely important; we […]