With two major blockbusters on the horizon, her own production company, and a take-no-prisoners approach to the world at large, Margot Robbie is summer’s brightest-burning Hollywood star. When Margot Robbie […]
What is the actual production budget of Warner Brothers’ Legend of Tarzan? This is a big deal because it affects the breakeven point for the film, and the point at […]
Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. President James Sullos today announced a new novel, Tarzan on the Precipice, by Michael A. Sanford. Here’s the announcement: Coming Soon – The missing link between Wisconsin and Africa […]
I like this as a general statement of what Legend of Tarzan is up again. It comes from Greg Wakeman’s piece in Cinemablend, originally released a while back, but they’ve […]
Summer of 2016 is officially here as far as Hollywood is concerned and we’re now 50 days out from the July 1 bloodbath weekend that will see three major releases […]
In case you hadn’t noticed, Warner Bros’ marketing of Legend of Tarzan as of 55 days prior to release is a LOT quieter than Disney’s marketing of John Carter was at the […]
For a few months we’ve been hearing that Margot Robbie’s head-butting “Jane” is no “damsel-in-distress” — but then again, in the trailer, we see that she’s a captive of Captain […]
May 1st is the 8th anniversary of the death of Danton Burroughs — one of the few very great human beings I’ve had the pleasure to know. In celebration of […]
Every once in awhile my incessant googling leads me someplace interesting, and today it landed me on the website of Waitsel Smith, where he has a single pretty damned glorious […]
The New York Times has a lengthy profile piece on Margot Robbie that includes plenty of colorful background on Legend of Tarzan’s Jane — how she first came to America; […]
NPR is out with a Summer Movie Preview podcast that predicts doom and gloom for Legend of Tarzan, saying that it has the DNA of John Carter, etc….posting it here […]
Since coming across the reference to the first Legend of Tarzan script being based on Return of Tarzan and Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar, I’ve been scratching around trying […]
Much has been made of Tarzan as the prototype for what would become the Superhero in the pulps and comics. “Without Tarzan, there could be no Batman” is one way of […]
According to IMDB’s trivia for Legend of Tarzan, the following is a true fact: The very first draft of the film was loosely based on two original Edgar Rice Burroughs novels […]
By now it’s become pretty clear to those who follow upcoming movies that David Yates and Alexander Skarsgard’s Tarzan is not the “Me Tarzan, You Jane” character of about 70% […]
Every once in awhile you come across something that is so right and true and beautiful that it stops you in your tracks and gives you goosebumps. That just happened […]