If there was any doubt about Legend of Tarzan’s Margot Robbie’s star rising like a rocket — the just released Suicide Squad Blitz Trailer would seem seal the deal that the Aussie […]
I saw a pic of this earlier but thought it was Skarsgard showing Swedish humor and just being Skarsgard, as he did when he went to the premiere of Diary […]
From the John Carter Files: As Hollywood rolls through the process of making and remaking classic stories — producers and directors are constantly faced with the challenge of how to […]
There is an unfortunate smarmy, mocking, superior, “I’m way cooler than these books I’m writing about” quality to the first half of Mari Ness’s annoying but ultimately interesting article Heredity, […]
John M. Whelan has a nice post at AmazingStoriesMag.com entitled Will the Real Tarzan Please Stand Up which starts out with a pretty good summation of what fans of Edgar Rice […]
Kim Masters at the Hollywood Reporter has written an article discussing Warner Brothers strategy in the wake of Batman v Superman underperforming with all signs indicating that it will not […]
A flurry of articles have appeared in the last day allegedly reporting that questions are being raised about whether or not Disney’s Jungle Book, to be released on April 15, […]
Lovely piece that actually picks through the books and ERB bio and comes up with a number of good observations that those who only know Tarzan through the Disney movie, […]
Offering the following without too much comment. David Yates is quoted in Entertainment Weekly as saying that he directed his feisty Jane Porter, Margot Robbie, to take a swing at […]
I’ve been a little quiet lately, in part because I’ve been doing some research on the “Africa of the mind” that Edgar Rice Burroughs had access to as he was […]
Fashion and Style has a nice promo piece on Legend of Tarzan, including a poll asking whether readers are planning to see LOT in theaters or not. Here’s the link […]
The goal here is to provide background on Tarzan and honest reactions and commentary on what’s going on in the present day — and in particular with Legend of Tarzan […]
Here’s an interesting comment from “jeves23” at Birth.Movies. Death: I feel like this film will either just be a boring wasteland of CGI apes and Skarsgard abs, or it will […]
Legend of Tarzan has been included on USA Today’s Must-See summer movie list. The article includes a new still, not seen before . . . . check it out below […]
As many have noticed, my Tarzan news and commentary has been becoming more frequent as we get closer to the release of Legend of Tarzan — but Tarzan is living […]