WB Launches Social Media Accounts for Legend of Tarzan

Legend of Tarzan (Movie)

The last 24 hours have been lively for Warner Brothers’ Legend of Tarzan. First there were two stills, then the poster, now there are social media accounts for the movie.

Here are the links

Official Website:  www.LegendofTarzan.com

Legend of Tarzan on Facebook  (921 likes at this moment)

Legend of Tarzan on Twitter @LegendofTarzan (279 followers at this moment)

Legend of Tarzan on Instagram (322 followers)

So it’s pretty much “get in on the ground floor” time….


  • Dotar, thanks for liking my Facebook page in French, now there are… 3 of us! A bit of trivia, WB France has released the trailer with French subtitles, and the title was displayed as just plain “Tarzan” and not “La légende de Tarzan”.

    • Hmmmm….that’s interesting. Re your Likes deficiency — maybe they’ll start finding it now that the trailer is out in French. Honorable endeavor anyway!!

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