HeyUGuys: Legend of Tarzan Footage Report and Q and A — Sequel Already in the Works
Another UK story is up about Legend of Tarzan and this one, from HeyUGuys, contains some very good detail on the footage that was shown. According to this one, a total of about 20 minutes of footage was shown and the presscon. The article starts out with a nice acknowledgment which captures what is, hopefully, going on in the minds of many of the press: “We’ve seen many different versions of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Tarzan story since it was written back in 1914 and when we first heard that another was on the way, we wondered if it was actually needed. After seeing the footage this morning presented by Director David Yates, we’re starting to think now is very much the time.”
Here is the detail on the scenes that were shown:
We were shown around 7 scenes, some were epic and a couple much more small in scale so they could focus on the characters. The story (from what we saw) involves Tarzan and Jane getting married, returning back to the jungle (for what reason is unclear). While they are there, Christoph Waltz (Captain Rom) arrives in Gabon to capture many of the indigenous people introducing the slave trade to a movie that seems to be hitting issues like this head on. At least one of the acts is taken up by Waltz character kidnapping Robbie with Tarzan in hot pursuit with his side-kick / light relief Samuel L. Jackson hot on his heels.
One of the scenes features a wonderful back and forth with Robbie and Waltz characters after she’s been kidnapped with Waltz doing what he does best in those brilliantly acted evil roles. The sweeping landscapes that we saw make it hard to believe that all the scenes involving actors were shot on the back lot of Leavesden Studios in sunny Watford near London.
In another scene we see a very ripped Alexander Skarsgård going head to head with the alpha male gorilla in what looks like it would be a one-way fight. The CG looks exceptional and again it’s no surprise that the team behind movies like Harry Potter would go to such lengths to make their movie as good as it can be using state of the art technology combined with a great script (from Adam Cozad who worked previously on Jack Ryan).
So glad to see some changed minds with the “did anyone ask for another Tarzan movie” question. It’s a good day for Tarzan today and I’m thrilled. 🙂
Digital Spy just posted this a minute or so ago: http://www.digitalspy.com/movies/news/a791214/why-tarzans-alexander-skarsgard-doesnt-want-to-look-like-this-again/
I think (hope) more articles will be forthcoming from them. They’re the big one – if they post this, it’ll be picked up by more outlets.
I think this was a smart move by WB to hold their own special preview screening for Tarzan specifically. Had they done this at CinemaCon it no doubt would’ve gotten buried under all the other reports related to the superhero movies and whatnot.
Here we go: http://www.digitalspy.com/movies/news/a791204/slaps-spaghetti-and-a-sequel-already-in-the-works-margot-robbie-and-alexander-skarsgard-talk-tarzan/