Announcement from Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. | Thomas Yeates’ well known image, TARZAN AND THE GOLDEN LION, has been created in mosaic form [5′ diameter] and installed in the plaza of the Tarzana […]
Warner Bros. has released an IMAX poster for the Legend of Tarzan that features Alexander Skarsgard as Tarzan and, well, his buddies the mangani. Here it is:
The July issue of Empire Magazine (print version only) contains a detailed story on the Legend of Tarzan and in that story are at least five items that are new and add […]
Here’s a fanmade TV spot for Legend of Tarzan that’s quite solid. Hope we’re going to see more of these. This is from YouTuber AtheistNihilist. Good stuff – bravo!
Jon Lyus at HeyUGuys is out with a post which is going to be a bit annoying to Edgar Rice Burroughs fans, but is actually fairly realistic in its depiction […]
New 30 second Legend of Tarzan TV Spot is just out. I wonder what people think. It’s notable mainly for the fact that Tarzan speaks for the first time in […]
Our ERB pals at Panthan Press have come up with this video clip of Margot Robbie as Jane Porter reacting to various Tarzan yells. Fun! While you’re at it, check out […]
The folks at Edgar Burroughs Inc. have collaborated with artist Leia Barret-Durham (Powell) to offer some beautiful Tarzan and ERB-themed licensed stained glass artwork. Internationally-renowned, award-winning stained glass master Leia […]
On September 11th, 1976 Filmation debuted Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle on CBS where it lasted for four seasons. Now on June 14th we will get the first 16 episodes […]
This is similar (but not really) to the one released earlier today. Here it is again, full-size. This is good– although not as interesting to me as the earlier one […]
Finally, they put Jane on the poster and created something that is genuinely intriguing. I think this is a great poster — much better than either of the previous two. […]
From the Legend of Tarzan Facebook page and Twitter Account, a promotion. Here is the tweet. No details yet, just this. Surviving in Tarzan’s jungle takes skill and stamina. Starting […]
I have mixed feelings about having a forum here, or on John Carter files, but I’ve finally put one up there so we’ll see what happens. Here is the link […]
Zebbie Watson, writing in Inverse, asks: “Legend of Tarzan looks cool, but why stop there?” — and then goes on to pose some interesting observations about Tarzan and his superhero […]
When you walk through the front door of Edgar Rice Burroughs Inc. the first walls you see are decorated with the extraordinary illustrations of Czech master Zdenek Burian. These illustrations […]
Warner Bros. has two 30 second TV spots that are up on the internet now. Have not seen them on television. Here they are. Two quick initial thoughts: It’s about […]
In 2012 Scott Tracy Griffin gave us the exceptional Tarzan: The Centennial Celebration — which set the bar for handsome, coffee-table books about Edgar Rice Burroughs’ jungle hero. Now Tracy is […]
Until now, Spielberg’s The BFG has had only minimal buzz — but that’s changing as of today because The BFG just had its black tie world premiere at the Cannes Film […]
So ya thought the uproar over Donald Trump impersonating himself was a big deal? Ha! Of far more global importance is the burgeoning kerfuffle that has been developing over whether whether Legend […]
This second Tarzan film is the continuation of Tarzan of the Apes. It was produced by the National Film Corporation of America and released September 16, 1918, 96 minutes in […]